
Thanks for visiting my portfolio site. I consider myself a hybrid designer and product strategist with a ton of hobbies. My background is in Experience Design (12+ years working) and my core research focus during that time has been new technologies and emerging human behavior. In my current role, I oversee multiple cross-functional teams (Directors and below) across multiple agencies for a large media conglomerate. I spent the last several years prior running an Experience Design and Branding firm in New York, Bright Iron Group. I was managing partner responsible for business development, resource management, creative direction, program management, and hands-on design work for the company. Bright Iron’s primary focus was web and application design; basically helping companies launch new digital products and services. In early 2019, I led the company through an acquisition by a leading blockchain research firm.

Prior to joining Bright Iron I was a founding member and Creative Director of mbInnovations (MBI), an innovation lab and consulting group inside a large New York advertising agency. At MBI we studied the future. Our aim was developing business models and new revenue streams for enterprise client partners, executable 3-5 years out. The ideas we developed were well researched and ambitious.

Before getting into design, I worked as a sommelier and wine educator in California’s Napa Valley, and before that I was a fun-loving bartender in New Orleans (I still dream of moving back one day and opening a wine bar). For now I’m happy living in Brooklyn with my partner and 2 kids.