A Smoking Cessation App

Project Status: Pilot. Full application launch pending research results

My Role: Creative Direction, Product Strategy, UI Design, UI Copywriting, Technical Production

Business Context: Aimi is a mobile app with the mission to help people quit smoking. Produced by Dr. Reddy’s (an international pharma company), the Aimi app has lofty ambitions to lead a suite of apps and IoT products that help consumers track their daily behavior and achieve their healthy lifestyle and dietary goals.

Armed with primary research from the Dr. Reddy’s team, we created the brand identity, engaging user experience, and user interface design around the basic tenant that all smokers—whether they are ready to quit or not—can gain control by tracking their habit, engaging with activities & challenges, and speaking with a personal coach to set attainable goals.

The myAimi App (Piloted on iOS and Android) allows you to set goals, track both usage and urges, engage with daily challenges, and speak with a live “coach” (from a corporate call center — initially engaged to field the first 1,000 users in the pilot). Tracking your habit was quick, with minimal interaction effort required, and data visualizations allow you to understand your habit objectively.

Initial research indicates that just the act of tracking your habit, with no initial quitting or reduction goals, reduced nicotine usage on average by over 50%.